I’ve suffered with acne for decades, my husband has had cystic acne and 5 of our kids have dealt with acne in varying degrees. I make a lot of acne stuff. My can’t-live-without-it item is my acne serum which is very simple.
I add a few drops of helichrysm EO and a few drops of galbanum EO to an Emu oil/Jojoba blend. This blend is gentle yet very healing. I use it every morning and evening.
Here are my “acne-safe” ingredients:
- Kokum (I can use cocoa and shea on my body but both make my face break out. Kokum is the only butter that is safe for my face.)
- Emu
- Coconut
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Hazelnut
- Jojoba
- Neem
Essential Oils:
- Helichrysm*
- Galbanum*
- Tea Tree
- Lavender
- Thyme Linalool
- Helichrysm
- Clove
- Cornflower
- Frankensense
- Witch Hazel
Herbs and/or extracts:
- White willow bark
- Black willow bark
- Neem
- Tomato powder
- Jaborandi leaf
- Strawberry leaf
For the record, Neem oil stinks. If you can put up with the smell, it’s really a great oil. I’ve never found anything that masks the smell, though. The dried herb isn’t quite as bad but it still has an odor.